Sunday, October 7, 2018

Hope vs Belief

Recently I posted an Instagram story with a poll that asked viewers to choose between two options: Hope and Belief. Belief won the battle but I did not intend for it to be a competition between the two.

I wanted to compare two things that were fundamentally different but were tied together in ways that go unnoticed. Many of the people voted for belief, possibly because each and every person has their own personal belief and that belief tends to be strong within oneself. One of my friends told me that one needs to believe to hope, and I completely agree, if it weren't for the non-linearity of thought.

Belief may be necessary for hope, but hope is also necessary for belief. They are not so different if you think about it. Without having hope in something, how can someone believe in it, and without believing in something, how can someone hope for it. They are connected in many ways. Hope is a fire that burns eternally as long as you believe in it, and belief is the light that keeps shining as long as you have hope that it will not fail. Both of these aspects are very important and I think everybody needs to have a high sense of belief and hope in their lives.

People should learn to believe in themselves more, to have hope in their own ability and their ability to change the future. Determination is a strong asset to anyone, and it can only be accessed through hoping and believing. So believe in your own strength and never let go of hope!

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