Monday, October 15, 2018

Trust of the key components in any sort of friendship or relationship, it tends to be common but in my opinion, it also tends to be really misunderstood by many people.

I'm not saying people don't know how to trust or do not know what trust is.In a sense, it's closer to the norm that trust must be equally fulfilled at all times, and must be done so with great intensity. I suppose this is slightly exaggerated but it's saying that people expect an immense amount of loyalty from a person, an amount that sometimes, can be a little too much.

When you trust someone, you give them the power to potentially break you. You tell them secrets, you tell them stories, you open yourself up to them and you place yourself in their hands. Now, this person can either destroy you with that information, or they can keep it safe with them, and keep their trust to not let them down.

What most people expect however, is a level of trust that far exceeds what was previously described. To a point where it cannot even be classified as the trait. I like to call it  "Accelerated Loyalty". What this basically refers to is a form of loyalty that requires a person to completely slave themselves to a person in return for their trust. You've seen it before, the jealous friend that is agitated because you met someone new, the "clingy" partner that investigates whenever you make a slight response to anyone of the opposite gender.

I personally feel like this sort of expected trust is quite toxic and harmful to any form of friendship, trust should be something of beauty, something to give but never to expect so harshly and irrationally. If there'es anything to take out of this, it's that when you trust someone, make sure they're happy with it and that you aren't compromising their freedom. Make sure to not break their trust either, feelings can go both ways..

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