Friday, November 30, 2018


Path to success

We all desire to succeed do we not? In the end, it is something we all want, to win, to be victorious, to achieve each and every one of our goals. However, sometimes reaching that pinnacle, that goal can be difficult. Sometimes life just doesn't go the way you plan and you end up at a state of disappointment and possibly regret, leaving you confused about why you failed even though you tried your hardest. Thoughts like these overcome us all the time, we all have at some point been here, wondering and questioning if what we do is correct, asking if there is an easier way, a better method to reach our expectations and goals, a method which does not involve a chance of failure. We wonder, we reach to the depths of possibility for these
answers but usually come up short, but occasionally, through hardships and struggles, through time and experience, we learn things that help us on our way. This is a form of that, my personal principles on how I believe success can be achieved, how the hidden potential within us can be unlocked. These may apply academically and just generally, it may be about work or just simply a lifestyle, but all of it is my pure thought about becoming a better person.

1: Try

A simple word but many people fail to see the beauty in its meaning. So much potential is lost because people give up before they have the chance to shine. How can you ever achieve greatness if you do not give yourself the time nor the chance? When you start off on an ambitious journey, initially you are excited, you are filled with energy, you feel as though nothing can stop you and that you can become the greatest at what you will now attempt to do. A few days or weeks in and you do not see results, and you stop trying. You stop putting in the work that you used to passionately gave out of your own life, the ambition droops lower and lower until you lose the will to see any success in what you do. No, do not
give up! Do not let short-term failure define what you can be. No matter what you do, you will always suffer hardships, there will be times when nothing seems to be going your way and your only option seems to be letting go of your dreams but say no to that feeling. Say no to the thoughts dragging your ambition down. When a person sets their heart and mind to do something, they are beyond what they can be, they embark on the road to their greatest desires, and the only thing stopping them is usually their lack of perseverance. Through the struggles dragging you down, keep moving, keep doing what you love and what you enjoy, do not give in to despair just because of what is happening at the present, because I promise to you, as long as you keep trying, somewhere down the road, eventually through time, you will achieve the success you deserve.

2: Give it time

Time heals, time provides, time creates and destroys. Time is a powerful force, it is the only thing a person with nothing can give, it is the only thing that remains when the world is stripped away of all material, so we must not doubt its ability to change a situation. Similar to trying, giving a specific scenario or problem a certain amount of time can sometimes cause the problem to solve itself, yet many people do not know it. You cannot hope to solve a problem, an issue, a predicament in your life in just a few days, weeks, months, or even years. Some problems take an immense amount of time to solve and yet, eventually, it WILL be solved. Now, this doesn't mean you'll have to wait decades for things to get better, it certainly will not. Know that giving something time is essentially telling yourself that it's alright to not think about it so deeply that you are unable to work on anything else, do not force yourself to find an answer that will provide itself as time goes on, as wounds are healed and thoughts are mended. Hold a hope within you that says eventually everything WILL get better, the questions in your mind answered and the problems you have solved. Now don't get me wrong, I am definitely not implying that you leave a problem unsolved, just magically expecting it to fix itself as time passes, but generally what I mean is, you should spend time on solving an issue HAVING in mind the thought that tells you that it will not solve itself very quickly, because thinking that puts on an expectation in your mind that wants the problem solved in a short span of time when it certainly can not be so, and you end up disappointed and wondering what you did wrong. Everything horrible and evil eventually turns to good in the end, you just have to give everything time.

3: Believe

Believe in yourself, you need to understand how important this is, this is not something that old folks say to motivate us and keep us going, no matter what it sounds like, it DOES work. Going into a difficult situation; the exam that you are afraid to take, the sports match you barely got selected for, the big project you were thinking of starting, in any of these cases, you WILL be afraid, that is understandable, but do not tell yourself that you cannot succeed. Your chances of success are almost always directly proportional to how much you believe in yourself. Comparing between going into a situation telling yourself that you will succeed and telling yourself that you have no chance of winning, you can almost always guarantee that the first scenario will bring better results. This is because even though you are afraid, you are tricking your mind into thinking that you are more capable, you start believing yourself to a point where it becomes your truth, allowing you to transcend your current capabilities and break the limiters on you. The more you trust your own ability, the more likely it is that those abilities will improve. Sometimes it's really as simple as reprogramming your mind to be better than it is.

4: Hope

I know what you're thinking...hope, really? But hear me out, hope is, in my opinion, the single strongest driving force that the human mind has. Hope for the future can keep someone going through so much, without ever wavering, because that hope gives them a certain strength that, although it may be simply in their mind, still allows them to be stronger than they are without it. Have hope that what you do will be successful, and eventually, those hopes will provide themselves. When times of struggle arrive, have hope, give yourself the strength that others may not be able to give you, use that strength to look right back at your problems and tell them that you are not bound by them. Do not let your hardships define who you are, rather let the fact that you GOT THROUGH those hardships define who you are, and when it seems too difficult to get through, keep HOPE close to your heart and know that you will get through it, know that success will be delivered as long as you hope for it. I realize that none of my roads to success give any methodology or a flowchart that you follow, with specific steps, do this do that and you will be successful. I want whoever reads this to be able to do it at any time, you can always hope, you can believe in yourself, you can give your problems time and you can most certainly try, over and over, hoping for success until you finally find it.

Thank you for reading, once again, I really do hope this helps at least one person out there to look at their problems better and achieve success in their life, as always, stay strong.

unsplash-logoSamuel Zeller

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