Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Fire is an oxymoron to me. It's opulent yet tenebrous, a light which destroys. When there is a flame in front of you, a flicker, a spark of heat and light, waving about, the wind fanning the flames, you cannot help but stare at that magnificent glow, a wanton feeling of enchantment flows through you as you admire that blaze. So destructive, yet so elegant, the flames merely dancing, caressing the skin and bone beneath as the process of burning starts. The shimmering heat enraptured on the wood, the floor, the walls, not belligerent but beautiful, splashing about almost like water, but ever more opulent. Red, orange, yellow, and finally blue, the shades of the flame mixing and entwining with each other, each more searing than the last. Sweet and sharp aroma of blistering timber twirling in the air in ropes of eloquent smoke, a reminder of the destruction, the conflagration, a mesmerizingly ironic statement made by fire. From within the core of the planet, it rises, molten, fiery liquid, torrid heat melting the land around it, yet promising reprieve for the chaos. The soil is left fertile, the foundation for life is built. Fire reminding us once again that to create, we must destroy first, and from the ashes of that antipathic shamble, hope for an even better fabrication will arise like a phoenix. From the embers of our past, we rise again.

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading! Fire is such an interesting thing to write about because you can describe it in so many ways, I might do a four-part series where each represents an element, that would be pretty good. Anyways, have a great day!
unsplash-logoPaul Bulai

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