Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Something I’ve come to notice in society is people measuring how much they’re worth, either in the world or to others. People think of themselves, look at themselves and try to see how much they matter to people, and unfortunately, most often than not, they come to the conclusion that they are hardly worth anything at all to anyone.

Why do we come to this? Is it insecurity? Do we just want to know how much we mean to others? Why is it so hard to think that you’re worth a lot? Questions upon questions linger in my mind all the time. The human species is nothing if not an interestingly species. However, I feel that there’s a possibility that you’re confidence has a chance of dropping when you do this. You come to saying that you’re not worth anything to anyone and that thought will probably stick in your mind for a large portion of time, hiding in your feelings, telling you that you do not matter.

I used to be that way, or I suppose it would be fair to say I still am sometimes. I’m alone, thoughts to myself and as I reflect upon my self worth I feel as though I do not matter in the slightest to anyone. I start to doubt people around me, why do they stay if I’m not of their caliber, do they have some ulterior motive? These kinds of questions eventually led to me trying to eradicate that feeling, because if something gets you from doubting yourself to ALSO doubting the people closest to you, then I don’t want any of it.

If someone hasn’t already said it to you, you’re worth more than you think. Humans have a way of underrating themselves in a way for reason so we may never truly understand, but know this, no matter what happens in life, you will always matter to someone, do not cause sadness and despair within the people that love you by second guessing their feelings, because no matter what you feel, you’ll have to agree that deep down you KNOW that they care, that they’ll always care.

So the next time you’re left to yourself, don’t start doubting, start hoping. Hoping to become better, because knowing that you aren’t capable can be a very strong drive to be better than you ever was before. With that I hope something clicked in you today, as always, stay strong.

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