Friday, February 8, 2019


"Time heals all wounds, it may take a while, but nonetheless it will happen" - Unknown

Time is an interesting thing, isn't it? We seem to have so much of it but yet...we feel like we have too little of it. I've tried to imagine time in many ways; like a river, like the branches of a tree, like ribbons or strands, like globules that glow larger, but time seems like none of these, although, sometimes all of them. It's very confusing, that much is certain, but another aspect that I am sure of is that time heals a person. All of us go through difficult times, we face iniquity from those around us, people find foible in you and they exploit it, pretending to be trustworthy but being gnathonic in reality. Sometimes it leaves us apathetic; it seems as though nothing in life grants happiness anymore, and it breaks us. We suddenly feel that time is worthless, because every new second that we receive is just filled with more pain, and it feels as though it may never end.

Listen, pain is the most temporary of all emotions, even when one tries to hold on to it, eventually it will fade because our minds naturally want to resist pain. These tenebrous times, no matter how derelict, will come to an end eventually. We never seem to have enough time because we let the time we have slip away by focusing on what has happened...what has gone. Time heals all, as time passes and passes, you will find yourself believing that there is still light in the world; the sun will not be so lurid each time you walk out that door; you will not flinch every time someone tries to talk to you; joy will sprout within you and finally...finally a smile will glow upon you.

Trust me when I say it, everything that you're going through right now, it will leave you if you just let it. The reason we are in pain for so long is because deep down, we want to feel something, we desire to feel an emotion, to give reason for why we feel this way, and we chose the easiest of them to hold on to; pain. Choose the other side. I know it is not so easy to simply say it and do it, but try to replace those parasitic emotions that remain as tinctures after a painful experience. As long as you try, slowly and slowly those emotions will lose their power; their host is no longer supporting them, so there is no choice but to leave. Believe that good will always prevail, and I know optimism may not be the mindset that everyone will posses, but you do not need optimism to see a good in the world. See good in yourself, let the efflorescence of your emotion flood the space around you, driving away the presences of darkness that threaten to bring back the past.

With all that being said, do not get me wrong, I am not implying that one should completely let go of their past. On the contrary, I think that holding on to those experiences, bad and good alike will help us adapt, change and eventually evolve into a better person. You have been in the situation before, thus you will always be able to make the choice better than someone who had not already been through it. No matter how bad a situation is, there will always be the advantage of you having learnt something for it, whether it helps you or not, it is certain that every single one of our memories have changed and affected us in one way or another. When faced with a difficult scenario, we assume that there is always an answer. Sometimes, the answer to all problems is not trying to find one. We need to understand that we cannot solve every problem, we cannot help everyone and everything, sometimes we have to know that we've done all we could have done, and the next time, we can do better. This emotion that you feel right now, no matter what it is, will always be replaced by happiness and hope, but only with your consent.

If you decide to let everything and everyone go, decide to let a single emotion destroy everything you have built with everything and everyone over so much time, then it will consume you. Accept help, there are battles you cannot face alone, and in a reality such as this, that is almost always the case. If all things must come to an end, then pain certainly must but if you refuse to let it go, then it will leech onto you, sapping your life away like a parasite, leaving you with nothing but that single feeling of pain. Don't let it take you, never let it take control of you. RESIST...resist with all you have, use the last reservoir of strength you hold within you and fight it, do not give it an easy way to your mind.

"Never look at this world with glasses tinted with one color. When you take them off, it will be clear that you were never seeing the world, but yourself"- Unknown
unsplash-logoIsaac Mehegan

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